Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Old passions renewed!

What I'm discovering this summer, while taking some time off to reflect, is that I've somehow forgotten over the last twenty plus years what it was that I really enjoyed doing.  Why is that?  Why is it that as we mature and get into the "real world" we all seem to stop doing those things that we enjoy or stop dreaming about what we're passionate about?  I know I've done it.  The last two weeks I've tapped back into one of my childhood hobbies....water skiing.  Here we have been on the lake for eight years, and I've not done it.  Well, I remedied that in the last two weeks.  It was like it was yesterday skiing down the Mississippi River.  Even though I could tell that my body was thirty years older, I still popped up behind the boat without a problem and could even go outside the wake without an embarrassing fall!  Exciting!  I think it was fun and exciting for my husband and kids also to see me having fun and leaving all the stresses of life behind.  I could tell when I got back in the boat there was a renewed sense of energy among all of us.  So my message this morning is to take a few minutes and think about one thing you used to enjoy doing and for some reason have stopped taking the time to do.  Tap into that passion again and put a plan into action to make it happen in the next week.  I promise you, it will be a rewarding experience! 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you started a blog! I can't wait to read more of your posts! Hope you guys are enjoying Minnesota!!
