Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fall is coming soon

As I left for my walk this morning, there was no doubt that there was a definite change in the air.  It was much crisper and cooler air than yesterday.  Overnight things had changed around our bay.  I could look out the kitchen window and see a few red/browning leaves on top of a birch tree we have in our driveway.  Along my walk there was no ignoring the obvious signs that nature had right in front of me.  The prairie grasses and skunk cabbages were turning brown and along the trail the leaves on the bushes were turning yellow.  I love the different seasons of the north woods!

Now for most of my friends and family down south I know you are thinking, "Oh no! Fall already?  That means winter is around the corner too!"  But for the Allen family, we absolutely live for this first sign of what is to come four months from now.  Not only do I love fall for its colors and the pure beauty of the lake surrounded by the fall leaves, but I get a thrill out of knowing that in a few short months I get to gear up and hop on my snowmobile for the first time of the season.  For now I'll love putting on my Levi jeans and old sweatshirts to enjoy a fire on the deck each evening.

Well, I'm off to enjoy this day!  I may even sneak a peak at my snowmobile in the garage, since I do feel that first tinge of energy building inside me for the winter season.   HA! HA!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If I was 10 years younger, I would so love it up there. I do live the cold weather and the beauty that accompanies it.
